External thrusters
Sleipner's external thrusters are as compact as it gets, making it a perfect choice for boats with a lack of space.
Fits where other thrusters won't
Due to different inside configurations, many boats do not allow a standard thruster installation. Also, many external thruster solutions come with severe issues regarding effect and safety – if there is space enough to fit them at all.
Sleipner's external thrusters solve these issues with innovative technology use, leaving boat builders and retrofitters with only one question – what thrust power does the boat need.
If you previously could not fit a thruster, these models might offer you the perfect solution you have been missing. The optimal design adds minimal drag and will, in most installations, not be noticeable.
Greater efficiency
Due to their positioning at the outermost extremities of a hull, exterior-mounted thrusters benefit significantly from an increased leverage arm in relation to the pivot point on a boat’s hull. Their greater efficiency means they can move larger size boats by requiring nominally less power than conventional thrusters.
Shared benefits for external thrusters are longer run times, as the surrounding water naturally cools the units. They offer quick and easy installation without the need for fiberglass work.
Another benefit is that these thrusters operate remarkably quiet with their short, optimal tunnel design and submerged placement.
Explore external thrusters
Why choose an external thruster?
With an external thruster, you get varied installation possibilities, making it a perfect choice for vessels where the inside configuration does not allow a standard thruster installation.